An MSLT is a painless test designed to monitor and evaluate the level of your daytime sleepiness, and may assist your provider with determining the potential cause of this sleepiness.
You will be asked to complete another overnight sleep study prior to the typically daytime MSLT.
Following your overnight exam, you will remain in the Sleep Center during the day to complete a series of nap attempts or “trials”.
You will remain in your own private bedroom during both exams.
Only some of the sensors that are required during the overnight exam will be used during the MSLT, the remainder will be removed.
You may bring breakfast and lunch or someone can bring you something from home.
The naps will begin 2-3 hours following your overnight exam and will typically conclude about 4-5 p.m.
There will be over an hour in between each nap trial where you will be asked to remain alert.
Wifi is available so mobile devices may be used during this time.
During the daytime exam all caffeine should be withheld.
Smoking is not recommended and is strictly forbidden 30 minutes prior to the beginning of any nap trial.
Patients should complete a Sleep Diary 2 weeks prior to their MSLT